
WA Jobs, Education and Training survey 2023

On behalf of the Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD), Community Skills WA (CSWA) is undertaking the WA Jobs, Education and Training (WAJET) survey for 2023. The purpose of this survey is to understand the skill needs in Western Australia and the various pathways available to meet these skill needs. The WAJET survey will be used to inform the development of the State Priority Occupations List (SPOL), WA Skilled Migration List (WASMOL), Graduate Occupation List (GOL), Priority Industry Qualifications List (PIQL) and other training priorities for the State.

To identify the skill needs of industry, the WAJET Survey 2023 has been developed to seek your input on the following:

  • – Industry opportunities and challenges from a workforce development perspective
  • – Regional skills and workforce development needs
  • – Education and training needs and experiences for your industry sectors
  • – Occupation advice in relation to migration
  • – Occupation advice in relation to emerging issues
  • – Occupation advice in relation to labour supply and demand
  • – Occupation advice from an education and training perspective

Please help us continue to advocate for and develop strategies to support workforce development across the Community Services, Health and Education sectors in WA, by completing the relevant survey below.

Surveys close on 21 February 2023 at 5pm.

Note: For your convenience, please complete the survey on a desktop computer rather than a smartphone device.


Aboriginal Health

Aged Care

Allied Health

Community Services



Early Childhood Education and Care 


Financial Counselling


Intensive Care Ambulance Paramedics

Massage Therapist

Medical Technicians

Mental Health and Alcohol & Other Drugs


Training and Education


CSWA Newsletter – November 2022

The recent announcement of 18,800 free training places represents a significant opportunity for our sectors to engage with Vocational Education and Training (VET), especially given the allocation of 8500 places for the care sector. While many of the qualifications and skill sets were already on the Lower fees, local skills list, the signing of the new 12-month skills agreement with the Commonwealth will ensure funding is maintained and access to free training is expanded throughout the community.



CSWA Newsletter – October 2022

According to the most recent available data, 774,000 children aged 0-14 years lived in poverty in 2017-18, accounting for 1 in 6 Australian children. Poverty has an impact on young people’s dreams and aspirations, and these statistics are confronting and unacceptable.

Reducing child poverty requires advocacy to ensure the development of a range of strategies and policy changes, especially in light of rising living costs. While CSWA can continue to support the advocacy and effect change through training strategies that create pathways and build capacity, the symposium highlighted the impact of one of our current projects.



CSWA Newsletter – September 2022

During the last month, the Community Skills WA team has remained focused on the implementation of Job Ready Programs for both Early Childhood Education & Care and Ageing & Disability. We will be organising and participating in several forums throughout regional Western Australia over the coming months, to discuss the community health workforce and opportunities to build capacity including amongst the existing workforce.



CSWA Newsletter – June 2022

The State Government has released its blueprint to address the growing demand for skilled workers in the State’s rapidly expanding social assistance and allied health sector. Community Skills WA, in collaboration with the State Training Board and key stakeholders in the social assistance and allied health sector presented the report with 25 recommendations to the State Government.



Media Statement: Actions to build future social assistance and allied health workforce

The McGowan Government today released its blueprint to address the growing demand for skilled workers in the State’s rapidly expanding social assistance and allied health sector. Click on the below link to read more about it:



CSWA Newsletter – May 2022

Engagement has been a key focus for CSWA over the last months and it has seen us request a lot of input and feedback from our key stakeholders, which is highly valued and helps inform new initiatives and ensures quality and current advice is provided to key stakeholders. We continue to advocate for the Certificate ll Community Health and Wellbeing traineeship as well as the Ageing and Disability Job Ready program of which both have been well received.



Community Health Workforce Forum – Broome

31 May 2022 – 9.00am – 1.15pm

CSWA are hosting the Community Health Workforce Forum in Broome which will explore strategies to support the sustainable development of a local workforce in the Kimberley. The forum aims to provide information on current and future local workforce initiatives and potential new training opportunities. There will be a particular focus on attracting, developing and retaining an Allied Health Workforce in the Kimberley; attracting developing and retaining a local sustainable workforce; and responding to local training needs. The day will include guest speakers, panel discussions and group sessions.

Agenda: https://cswa.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Community-Health-Workforce-Forum-Agenda-31-May-2022.pdf

Register Attendance: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/community-health-workforce-forum-broome-registration-341430416567


CSWA Newsletter – April 2022

It’s been an interesting time for Western Australia with the mandates and a lot of organisations moving to working from home environments. Majority of our meetings have been held via Teams and with the mask mandate being relaxed this Friday, we may see some return to normal practices. CSWA are starting to ramp up our regional travel plans again and will be in Broome at the end of May, hosting a Health and Wellbeing workforce planning session.



CSWA Newsletter – March 2022

The last couple of months have proven a busy time for the team at Community Skills WA including regional consultations in Karratha, Albany and Kununurra. Although online platforms provide fantastic opportunities to be connected with our stakeholders across WA, these can never replace meeting face to face (masks on of course) in a local community to gain a genuine understanding of issues and challenges in our sectors.
