31 May 2022 – 9.00am – 1.15pm
CSWA are hosting the Community Health Workforce Forum in Broome which will explore strategies to support the sustainable development of a local workforce in the Kimberley. The forum aims to provide information on current and future local workforce initiatives and potential new training opportunities. There will be a particular focus on attracting, developing and retaining an Allied Health Workforce in the Kimberley; attracting developing and retaining a local sustainable workforce; and responding to local training needs. The day will include guest speakers, panel discussions and group sessions.
Agenda: https://cswa.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Community-Health-Workforce-Forum-Agenda-31-May-2022.pdf
Register Attendance: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/community-health-workforce-forum-broome-registration-341430416567