
CSWA Newsletter – April 2022

It’s been an interesting time for Western Australia with the mandates and a lot of organisations moving to working from home environments. Majority of our meetings have been held via Teams and with the mask mandate being relaxed this Friday, we may see some return to normal practices. CSWA are starting to ramp up our regional travel plans again and will be in Broome at the end of May, hosting a Health and Wellbeing workforce planning session.



CSWA Newsletter – March 2022

The last couple of months have proven a busy time for the team at Community Skills WA including regional consultations in Karratha, Albany and Kununurra. Although online platforms provide fantastic opportunities to be connected with our stakeholders across WA, these can never replace meeting face to face (masks on of course) in a local community to gain a genuine understanding of issues and challenges in our sectors.



Read about what it takes to support a Pharmacist in this interesting scope of work.

A Hospital/Health Service Pharmacy Technician works under the supervision of a pharmacist in a hospital or community setting ensuring patients receive the correct medications and information on how to take their medications safely. This may include pharmacies that are located outside of health services but supply medicines and products to hospitals and other health services.

Find more information here:

Hospital Pharmacy – Community Skills WA (cswa.org.au)