Whilst 2022 will present many significant challenges for the Community Services, Health and Education sectors, there continues to be examples of innovative approaches to workforce development, new training initiatives and amazing collaborations that we believe are worth sharing.
CSWA Migration Webinar
CSWA hosted a webinar on 14 March 2022, during which the Department of Training and Workforce Development provided an overview of the migration streams and programs currently available. We would like to thank DTWD for their presentation and input as well as all that were able to attend. A recording of the session is available via this link.
CSWA Migration Webinar-20220314_100230-Meeting Recording.mp4
Community Health and Wellbeing Pre-traineeship
We are thrilled to announce the induction day for the first round of students commencing the Community Health and Wellbeing Pre-traineeship, was held at two Pilbara sites on 3 February. A total of 12 students are starting their journey and will gain valuable skills and industry exposure in the Health Sector. The students represent Karratha Senior High School, St Luke’s College, Roebourne District High School and Hedland Senior High School. The students attended the Pilbara Universities Centre for the day and were joined for lunch by 12 industry stakeholders, who will be hosting the students on work placement.
Insight Training facilitated the induction program with a staff member at each site supported by their trainer. Delivery of the program commenced from Perth via teams, creating a virtual classroom with all students.
The students are scheduled to commence their one day per week work placement on 10 February, and the first block of training, for which the Insight Trainer will engage with the students face to face, to commence in March.
The day was a resounding success thanks to some very enthusiastic students looking to explore career opportunities in Community Health and incredibly engaged Industry stakeholders who recognise the potential this program provides to grow their local workforce.
WA Jobs, Education and Training survey
CSWA is undertaking the WA Jobs, Education and Training (WAJET) survey for 2022, on behalf of the Department of Training and Workforce Development. The aim of this survey is to understand the skill needs in Western Australia and the various pathways available to meet these skill needs. The WAJET survey will be used to inform the development of the State Priority Occupation List, WA Skilled Migration List, Graduate Occupation List, Priority Industry Qualifications List and other training priorities for the State.
The WAJET Survey has been developed to seek your input on the following:
- Industry opportunities and challenges from a workforce development perspective;
- Education and training needs and experiences for your industry sectors;
- Occupation advice in relation to labour supply and demand; and
- Occupation advice from an education and training perspective.
We would appreciate you completing the relevant survey below which will help us continue to advocate for and develop strategies to support workforce development across the Community Service, Health and Education sectors in WA. The survey closes on 28 February 2022.
Alcohol and Other Drugs/Mental Health
We are on a break!
Community Skills WA will be on break from Monday 20 December 2021 and will return on Tuesday 4 January 2022.
We would like to wish everyone a happy and safe festive season and look forward to a productive new year ahead.
Community Skills WA is on the move!
Effective 6 December 2021, Community Skills WA will be located at Suite 16, 25 Walters Drive, Osborne Park.
All other contact details will remain the same – P: (08) 9445 1511 / E: communityskills@cswa.org.au / W: cswa.org.au
Want to support older Australians to live a fulfilling life?
Aged Care & Home and Community Care (HACC)
Working in the aged care sector is rewarding and varied career. Work varies from home and community care to residential care. Care workers assist older people achieve their goals and enhance their quality of life.
Find more information here:
Aged Care and Home and Community Care (HACC) – Community Skills WA (cswa.org.au)
Read about what it takes to support a Pharmacist in this interesting scope of work.
A Hospital/Health Service Pharmacy Technician works under the supervision of a pharmacist in a hospital or community setting ensuring patients receive the correct medications and information on how to take their medications safely. This may include pharmacies that are located outside of health services but supply medicines and products to hospitals and other health services.
Find more information here:
National Reconciliation Week
National Reconciliation Week (27 May to 3 June) celebrates and builds on the respectful relationships shared by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians.
World Day for Cultural Diversity
The World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development promotes cultural diversity.
Find out more information here:
International Nurses Day
Heartfelt thanks to nurses who work across so many settings in the important field!
World Day for Safety and Health at Work
The World Day for Safety and Health at Work is celebrated annually on 28 April to promote the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases globally. It is an awareness-raising campaign intended to focus international attention on the magnitude of the problem and on how promoting and creating a safety and health culture can help reduce the number of work-related deaths and injuries.