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Traineeship Webinar

Community Skills WA in conjunction with Apprenticeship Support Australia held a webinar on 21 October 2024 to delve into the world of traineeships. Rebecca McKechnie presented to the well-attended webinar and shared a wealth of information.

If you are interested in exploring how traineeships could support the growth of your workforce please view the recorded webinar  here.

For any further information please contact CSWA.


CSWA Newsletter – September 2024

As a Training Council, CSWA continues to build the workforce capacity of our sectors and our work has a strategic focus, however we love hearing about and sharing stories of individual and local success and examples of programs that have a positive human connection.

Whilst at a forum recently, I made an accidental connection and heard about one such program  For anyone who has seen the programs ‘Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds’ and ‘Old People’s Home for Teenagers’, it is hard to not be moved by the impact of the programs on both participants.


CSWA Newsletter – August 2024

The invitation to participate as a panelist at the Regional and Remote Communities workshop at HumanAbility’s National Forum in Canberra provided the opportunity to highlight the unique challenges faced by our regional and remote communities but also the innovative approaches utilised to overcome these. An example of a challenge highlighted was the scenario whereby many communities do not have an accredited Early Learning Service which a student requires access to in order to complete the assessment requirements of the qualification. Unfortunately these scenarios are often not recognised when decisions made around training development and delivery so the opportunity to raise awareness is important.


CSWA Newsletter – July 2024

It is one thing to write a report that talks about strategies to create pathways for young people and another to see the achievement of these strategies realised. Whilst we will continue to report on challenges and recommend strategies it is seeing the impact they can have on communities and individuals that motivates us to do the work we do. Nowhere is that more evident than in communities like Roebourne where creating an opportunity for one student at the high school can have a ripple effect and pave the way for future student success. We had the opportunity to return to Roebourne District High School recently and hear about the potential impact one student undertaking the Certificate II in Community Health and Wellbeing will have.


CSWA Newsletter – June 2024

With the upcoming addition of the Sport, Fitness and Recreation sectors to CSWA’s industry coverage the team is keen to explore new and existing synergies with our existing sectors of Community Services, Health and Education.

The alignment is already evident with an increased awareness on the value of exercise and movement in improving physical health outcomes across the population.Our existing consultations have already identified that participation in sports, fitness and recreation activities, in addition to providing physical benefits, are also

Friends Holding Hands

CSWA Newsletter – May 2024

During National Reconciliation Week, Now More Than Ever our team has been reflecting on how we can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. CSWA is committed to The National Agreement on Closing the Gap that places four Priority Reforms at the centre. These reforms are central to the National Agreement and will change the way governments work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities. CSWA consider it a privilege to listen to and learn from Aboriginal people and where we can, contribute to the capacity building of their communities. Now More Than Ever #NRW2024

High school students and teacher with laptop.

CSWA Newsletter – April 2024

Unfortunately when it comes to the delivery of Vocational Education and Training (VET) not all delivery is created equal. CSWA is often contacted by organisations and/or individuals for whom the training experience has not produced the desired outcome. As well as impacting on the student or organisation it undermines the value of VET which has a critical role to play in the development of skills and knowledge and potentially career opportunities.