Vocational Education and Training (VET) is outcome-based training which provides the skills and knowledge required for a particular occupation or specific function that is aligned to the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). VET qualifications include Certificate I, II, III and IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma levels. VET is available for secondary school students, pre-traineeships, traineeships, career changers, school leavers and mature aged students providing hands on relevant industry content delivered by industry experienced lecturers.
For further reading, please see information and links below.
Lower Fees Local Skills
The McGowan Government’s Lower Fees, Local Skills initiative aims to make training more affordable for Western Australians. For a full list of eligible qualifications click here for eligible qualifications in the Community Services, Health and Education sectors, click here to download a flyer.
Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)
National regulator for the vocational education and training sector.
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
AQF is the agreed policy between Commonwealth, State and Territory ministers which regulates qualifications in the education and training system in Australia.
Australian Industry & Skills Committee (AISC)
Industry led body which provides advice on the implementation of national VET policies.
Department of Training and Workforce Development
Western Australian government agency who provide leadership in training and workforce development to drive a flexible, responsive and quality training system to meet the needs of industry and build a strong and successful future for the WA community.
Industry Reference Committees (IRCs)
IRCs formally consider industry skill requirements in the development and review of training packages. IRCs are of industry representatives.
(listed are those relevant to the Community Services, Health and Education sectors)
National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)
National professional body responsible for collecting, managing, analysing and communicating research and statistics on the Australian vocational education and training (VET) sector.
Registered Training Organisations (RTOs)
An RTO is a training provider registered to deliver VET services.
Search a list of RTOs in Western Australia here.
Find information on how to manage your vocational education and training (VET) registration here.
Skills Service Organisations (SSOs)
Independent service organisations that support Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) in developing and reviewing training packages.
The SSO relevant to the Community Services, Health, Education and Sport, Fitness and Recreation sectors is:
Training Accreditation Council (TAC)
TAC is Western Australia’s registering and course accrediting body and is responsible for quality assurance and recognition of vocational education and training services in WA.
National register on Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Australia.
VET qualifications include Certificate I, II, III and IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma levels and can be delivered full time, part time, online only or mixed delivery. For more information see the below list of qualifications in the Community Services, Health and Education sectors. To download click here. For a full list of qualifications across all sectors, see the Register of A and B qualifications available here